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          Agricultural Commodities & Biofuels

In particular, agricultural commodities are those commodities of vegetable origin obtained by cropping. It is the second most produced commodity in the world, with 10% of the global production, after the energy 76 %. The precious and industrial metals form 9% of GDP and commodities with the lowest proportion of GDP are livestock.

Agrofuels as its name suggests is renewable energy that is created through the agriculture industry, ie, plant products grown to produce biomass and thus produce bioethanol or biodiesel, end product will be a biofuel used directly as vehicle fuel or as an additive to gasoline and diesel common. We shall see that it has other uses, but very minor.


Currently the biofuels industry has exploded and development, due to the use as a fuel that can be given and therefore the replacement of oil and other fossil fuels.

Biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel in particular) provide 3% of global transport and long-term estimates it gets to meet 25 % of global demand of fuels for transport.


